President Calvin Coolidge
President Calvin Coolidge made his visit to Cannon Falls on July 29, 1928 for his dedication of the Colonel William Colvill memorial. 25,000 people visited Cannon Falls on this day when the president, his wife, Governor Theodore Christianson and many other dignitaries (including some Civil War veterans) came to dedicate this monument at the Cannon Falls cemetery to Colonel Colvill, leader of the First Minnesota Volunteer Regiment and hero of the Battle of Gettysburg.
President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to Cannon Falls on August 15, 2011 for a town hall style meeting during his three day bus tour through the Midwest discussing the rural economy. After the approximate one hour town hall meeting at Hannah's Bend Park, President Obama made a lunch stop at the Old Market Deli downtown Cannon Falls. To the right is the full one hour appearance President Obama made to Cannon Falls that day.